Durability Recipes
Durability recipes are a new type of crafting recipe that will damage items with durability instead of consuming them. This can be useful when you want to put a recipe behind acquiring a tool but you don’t want the entire tool to be consumed with the recipe. The JSON format is the same as a basic crafting recipe, just use our recipe type in place of the vanilla type.
Additional Details
Shapeless recipes will consume one durability by default. This can be changed by setting the damageAmount
property on
the JSON data. Items with the unbreaking enchantment will have the same chance to avoid damage as when they are normally
used. Additionally items with the Unbreakable
NBT tag will not be damaged.
Shapeless Example
This JSON will create a shapeless recipe that uses shears and a book in any arrangement.
{ "type": "bookshelf:shapeless_durability", "damageAmount": 1, "ingredients": [ { "item": "minecraft:shears" }, { "item": "minecraft:book" } ], "result": { "item": "minecraft:paper" }}
Shaped Example
This JSON will create a shaped recipe that uses an iron sword surrounded by 8 cobwebs.
{ "type": "bookshelf:shapeless_durability", "damageAmount": 1, "pattern": [ "WWW", "WSW", "WWW" ], "key": { "W": { "item": "minecraft:web" }, "S": { "item": "minecraft:iron_sword" } }, "result": { "item": "minecraft:string", "count": 16 }}