The splashy mod provides tools for customizing the splash text on the main menu of the game. For example, you can add new splash text entries and remove the built-in vanilla ones!
Splashy will use the splashy.json
file for configuration options. Like most mods, the config file can be found in your
games config folder.
- splashy.json
- …
- …
- …
- …
The splashy.json
file is a simple text file that can be edited using notepad, nano, textedit, or any other text editor
program. Inside the file you will see the following options.
Property | Default | Functionality |
includeVanillaSplashes | true | When disabled, only splashes defined using the Splashy mod will be displayed. |
includeModNames | true | When enabled the names of all installed mods will be added as potential splash texts. |
customSplashes | [] | An array of splash text entries to add to the pool of possible splash text entries. |
displaySplashes | true | When disabled, splash texts will not be rendered at all. |
Splash Text Entries
New splash texts can be added to the customSplashes
property. Each string in this array represents a new entry that
may show up in game. The entry can be a simple string with the text of your splash text.
{ "includeVanillaSplashes": true, "includeModNames": true, "customSplashes": [ "Hello World", "Read the docs!", "Yet Another Splash Text" ], "displaySplashes": true}
Localized Text Entries
If the splash entry matches a valid localization key the mod will attempt to localize it using the players selected
language. For example adding item.minecraft.stone_axe
will display the name of the stone axe item in the players
current language. We recommend using localized splash entries whenever possible. New localization keys can be defined
using a vanilla language file.
{ "includeVanillaSplashes": true, "includeModNames": true, "customSplashes": [ "your_pack.splashes.hello_world" ], "displaySplashes": true}
{ "your_pack.splashes.hello_world": "Hello World!"}
{ "your_pack.splashes.hello_world": "Hola Mundo!"}