Extended Text
When Bookshelf is installed it will generate and load several language entries. These entries map to specific game properties and provide a way to display these properties without knowing their value. These properties are generated on the client and are never sent to the server or other players. Players can only see their own properties.
Using Extended Text
Extended text entries are referenced using a localization key. The format used for the localization key is
where prop_name
is the name of the property you want. For example the mc_version
property would be text.bookshelf.ext.mc_version
Available Properties
The following properties are available when Bookshelf is installed.
Property | key | Example | Description |
java_version | text.bookshelf.ext.java_version | 17 | The version of Java being used by the reader. |
mc_version | text.bookshelf.ext.mc_version | 1.20.1 | The version of Minecraft being used by the reader. |
loader_name | text.bookshelf.ext.loader_name | Fabric | The name of the mod loader that the reader is using. |
player_name | text.bookshelf.ext.player_name | Jeb_ | The name of the readers Minecraft character. This can be used in situations where selector text components are unavailable. |
modid_name | text.bookshelf.ext.modid_name | Bookshelf | Displays the name of a mod based on the modid used. For example text.bookshelf.ext.darkutils_name will display the name of the Dark Utilities mod. The mod must be installed in order for this to be displayed. |
modid_version | text.bookshelf.ext.modid_version | 1.0.0 | Displays the version of a mod based on the modid used. For example text.bookshelf.ext.botanypots_version will display the version of botany pots. The mod must be installed in order for this to be displayed. |
The following examples show how extended entries from Bookshelf can be used.
TellRaw Example
The tellraw command allows you to send formatted text in chat. This example will post a chat message that displays the readers own Minecraft version.
/tellraw @p {"translate": "text.bookshelf.ext.mc_version"}
Sign Example
The following command will give you a sign item that will display the readers Minecraft version once placed. This is done by setting the NBT data of the sign.
/give @a oak_sign{BlockEntityTag:{front_text:{messages:['["Your Minecraft"]','["version is"]','[{"translate":"text.bookshelf.ext.mc_version"}]','[""]']}}}
Book Example
The following command will give you a sign item that will display the readers Minecraft version.
/give @p written_book{pages:['{"translate": "text.bookshelf.ext.mc_version"}'],title:"Your Minecraft Version",author:Darkhax}
JSON Example
Data packs and resource packs often use JSON files to add and configure properties. The following example shows the property as a JSON object. This format is very similar to the format used in commands and NBT.
{ "translate": "text.bookshelf.ext.prop_name"}
Fallback Example
Translation text components can specify a fallback value if the translation key is not present. This can be useful for
changing the text if the reader does not have Bookshelf or another mod installed. The following example will print the
readers version of examplemod
or the word None
/tellraw @p ["","Your version of ExampleMod is: ",{"translate":"text.bookshelf.ext.examplemod_version","color":"green", "fallback":"None"}]