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Text Component

Text components provide the foundation for customizable text in Minecraft. The text component is responsible for the context and style of the text. For example a text component can display a localized message with a specific color and font.

Content Types

Minecraft includes several built-in component types that can be used and combined in different ways.

Plain Text

A plain text component displays the text exactly as it is written.

"text": "This is the text displayed in game."


Translatable text components are localized to the readers language. This requires an entry in the language file which can be added using a resource pack.

Simple Example

"translate": "my.translation.key"
"my.translation.key": "This is the text displayed in game."


You can choose to define fallback text that will be shown if the reader does not have a translation key for your text.

"translate": "my.translation.key",
"fallback": {
"text": "No translation key found. Download our resource pack!"


Translatable text components can have arguments inserted into their text. These arguments are slotted in using %s in the translation text or %n%s where n is the index you want to reference.

"translate": "my.translation.key",
"with": [
"text": "first"
"text": "second"
"text": "third"
"my.translation.key": "This is the %s, %s, and %s argument. Or the %3%s, %2%s, and %1%s"

Scoreboard Text

Displays the value of a scoreboard entry. The score holder is targeted using the name property. This can be a selector like @p, a name, or a * to refer to the readers score. The objective property sets the objective to get the value of.

"score": {
"name": "*",
"objective": "objective_name"

Entity Name

Displays the name of one or more entities. The entities are selected using a selector. If multiple entities are defined they will be separated using a , or the separator value.

"selector": "@p",
"separator": {
"text": "|"

Key Binding

Displays the name of the key that a key binding is mapped to. This can be used to display input instructions using the players configured key mappings. This should always be done where possible to improve the accessibility of your message. The key binding is specified by setting keybind to the ID of the key binding. A full list of vanilla key binding IDs can be found here.

"keybind": "key.sneak"

NBT Values

Displays a value from the games NBT data. For example you can display the health of the nearest entity or the contents of a chest by reading the NBT data. There are three different types of NBT text components but they share a few common properties.

  • nbt - The path of the NBT value.
  • interpret - An optional boolean, when set to true NBT values will be interpreted as text components.
  • separator - An optional text component used to separate multiple values if more than one value is returned.

Entity NBT

To display an NBT value from an entity you need to define an entity selector using the entity property. This example will display the health of some pig in the world.

"nbt": "Health",
"entity": "@e[type=pig,limit=1]"

Block NBT

To display an NBT value from a block you need to define the position of the block using the block property. This example displays the ID of the item in the first slot of a chest at the coordinates 1, 64, 8. The coordinates can also be relative.

"nbt": "Items[0].id",
"block": "1 64 8"

Storage NBT

Minecraft allows arbitrary NBT data to be stored in the world using commands and other means. This data is bound to a resource location. You can specify the ID of the data to read using the storage property.

This command will set up a storage entry called example:test with the value MyValue

Terminal window
/data merge storage example:test {MyValue:1273}
"nbt": "MyValue",
"storage": "example:test"

Modded Content Types

Mods can add new content types to the game and can even expand upon the vanilla types. For example, the Bookshelf mod makes several values like the name of the current player available through its Extended Text feature. This feature can be used as an alternative to the Entity Name component that works when there is no world context available.