Custom Tips
Tip files are responsible for defining a tip and its properties. These are JSON files that are loaded from the tips
folder of any resource pack that is installed and activated. If you are making a mod pack you should use a mod like
Open Loader that can load and activate resources for you automatically. Mod authors can just include the
tip in their mods resource pack files like any other resource.
File Location
- your_cool_tip.json
- pack.mcmeta
- pack.png
Tip File Overview
Property | Required | Description |
tip | true | Defines a Text Component that defines the contents of the tip and how the contents are displayed. |
title | false | Defines a Text Component that defines the title section of the tip and how the title is displayed. |
cycleTime | false | Defines how many milliseconds to wait before cycling to a new tip. This option overrides the default cycleTime defined in the config and allows longer tips to be displayed longer than usual. |
conditions | false | Defines conditions for when and where the tip can be displayed. |
Example Tips
Plain Text
This is a simple plain text tip that shows text exactly as it is written in the file.
{ "tip": { "text": "This is an example tip." }}
Styled Text
The title and body of a tip are text components. This means you can style your tips with different colors, fonts, and other Minecraft text features. This example tip has a title that is blue and a body that is light purple.
{ "title": { "text": "Tip", "color": "blue" }, "tip": { "text": "This example tip is purple.", "color": "light_purple" }}
Translated Tip
This tip will display text based on the language selected by the player. Each translation must be manually defined in a language file include with your resource pack. While this option takes slightly more work to set up it is highly encouraged to use localized text. Even if you don’t plan to localize the tip entries yourself, this approach will allow others to contribute localizations or share their own fan translations.
{ "tip": { "translate": "example.translated.tip" }}
{ "example.translated.tip": "This is the tip in english!"}
{ "example.translated.tip": "Este consejo está en español."}
Extended Text
Tip files can use extended text from Bookshelf. This allows you to reference values like the name of the players Minecraft account within the tip.
{ "tip": [ "", { "text": "Hello there " }, { "translate": "text.bookshelf.ext.player_name" }, { "text": " we've been expecting you." } ]}
Load Conditions
Tip files are fully compatible with load conditions from the Bookshelf mod. Load
conditions give you greater control over when your tip can be loaded. For example if you are making a tip for a mod that
may not always be installed you should consider the bookshelf:mod_loaded
{ "bookshelf:load_conditions": [ { "type": "bookshelf:mod_loaded", "mods": ["dirt_to_diamonds"] } ], "tip": { "text": "Did you know diamonds are made from dirt?" }}
Display Conditions
Display conditions give you greater control over when your tips can be displayed. For example you can make a tip that is only displayed when the player is in a certain biome or dimension.
Condition Format
Conditions are usually defined using named string arrays. You can combine these arrays to create increasingly specific rules for your condition. The meaning of the string values is explained in more detail in their dedicated section.
The array types are:
- At least one of the conditions must be satisfied.all_of
- All of the conditions must be satisfied.none_of
- None of the conditions must be satisfied.
For example the following biome condition example will allow the tip to be shown in any biome in the overworld tag that is also is the river or beach tag, and is not the frozen river biome.
{ "tip": { "text": "This tip uses a combination of biome conditions. It will only show up in overworld biomes that are rivers or beaches, and are not the frozen river biome." }, "conditions": { "biomes": { "all_of": [ "#minecraft:is_overworld" ], "any_of": [ "#minecraft:is_river", "#minecraft:is_beach" ], "none_of": [ "minecraft:frozen_river" ] } }}
Screen Condition
Screen conditions allow you to specify the screens your tip can be displayed on. If a screen condition is defined all built-in logic for determining a valid screen will be ignored in favor of your condition. You can define screen conditions in any of the following ways.
- Performs all of the built-in checks that are normally done.- Vanilla Screen ID - Checks if the screen matches a vanilla screen ID.
- Fully Qualified Class Name - Checks if the screen has the same package and name in the code. For example the zapper screen from the create mod can be matched using
. - Simple Class Name - Checks if the screen has the same name in the code. These are easier to read but have the potential to overlap. For example the zapper screen from the create mod can be matched using
but so will all other mods with a zapper screen.
{ "tip": { "text": "This tip uses a screen condition. It will only show up if the player is on the enchantment table screen." }, "conditions": { "screens": { "all_of": [ "minecraft:enchantment_screen" ] } }}
Advancement Condition
Advancement conditions allow you to check if the player has earned an advancement. This allows you to do things like hide tips until the player has reached certain progression milestones or hide early game tips as the player progresses. You can define advancement conditions in any of the following ways.
- Resource Location - Checks if the player has earned an advancement with the specified ID.
- Namespace - Checks if the player has earned any advancement from the specified ID namespace. For example
will check for any advancement with the IDbotania:******
- Regex
- Any string that starts with~
will be treated as a regex pattern. This will check if the player has any advancement matching that pattern. For example~^.*diamond.*$
will check for any advancement ID containing the termdiamond
{ "tip": { "text": "This tip uses a combination of advancement condition. It will only show up if the player has smelted an iron ingot, deflected an arrow or a ghast fireball, and has not entered the end." }, "conditions": { "advancements": { "all_of": [ "minecraft:story/smelt_iron" ], "any_of": [ "minecraft:story/deflect_arrow", "minecraft:nether/return_to_sender" ], "none_of": [ "minecraft:end/root" ] } }}
Biome Condition
Biome conditions allow you to check if the player is currently in a given biome. You can define biome conditions in any of the following ways.
- Resource Location - Checks if the biome has the exact biome ID specified.
- Namespace - Checks if the biome has the given namespace. For example
will match any biome added by the “Oh The Biomes You’ll Go” mod. - Tag
- Checks if the biome is in the specified biome registry tag. Any string that starts with#
will be treated as a tag. For example#minecraft:is_river
will check if the biome is in theminecraft:is_river
tag. - Regex - Checks if the biome ID matches a regex pattern. Any string that starts with
will be treated as a regex pattern. For example~^.*forest.*$
will check if the biome ID contains the termforest
{ "tip": { "text": "This tip uses a combination of biome conditions. It will only show up in overworld biomes that are rivers or beaches, and are not the frozen river biome." }, "conditions": { "biomes": { "all_of": [ "#minecraft:is_overworld" ], "any_of": [ "#minecraft:is_river", "#minecraft:is_beach" ], "none_of": [ "minecraft:frozen_river" ] } }}
Dimension Condition
Dimension conditions allow you to check if the player is currently in a given dimension. You can define dimension conditions in any of the following ways.
- Resource Location - Checks if the dimension has the exact ID specified.
- Namespace - Checks if the dimension has the given namespace. For example
will match any dimension added by the Bumblezone mod. - Tag
- Checks if the dimension is in the specified registry tag. Any string that starts with#
will be treated as a tag. For example#example:has_mechanic_a
will check if the biome is in theexample:has_mechanic_a
tag. - Regex - Checks if the dimension ID matches a regex pattern. Any string that starts with
will be treated as a regex pattern. For example~^.*void.*$
will check if the dimension ID contains the termvoid
{ "tip": { "text": "This tip uses a combination of dimension type conditions. It will only show up if the player is in a vanilla dimension that has been added to the mech_1 or mech_2 tag but is not in the exclude_tips tag. These tags are examples for demonstration" }, "conditions": { "dimensions": { "all_of": [ "minecraft" ], "any_of": [ "#example:mech_1", "#example:mech_2" ], "none_of": [ "#example:exclude_tips" ] } }}
Modify Existing Tips
This section explains how you can modify or replace existing tips. This will work for built-in tips and even tips added by other mods and resource packs.
Localized Tip
If the tip uses localized text you can easily replace or modify the text using a language file. The language file must be in the same namespace folder as the language file you want to override. Your pack must also be loaded after the original pack. All of the built-in tips are localized and can be modified in this way.
{ "tipsmod.tip.arthropods": "The contents of this tip have been replaced!"}
Tip File
If you want to change other properties of the tip or the tip does not use localized text, you can override the tip file. This is done by placing a tip file in the same folder as your target. Your pack must also be loaded after the original pack.
For example, this file will replace the tipsmod:bed_explode
tip with a tip that only displays when the player is not
in the nether.
{ "tip": { "translate": "tipsmod.tip.bed_explode" }, "conditions": { "dimensions": { "none_of": [ "minecraft:overworld" ] } }}